(Français) Projet SILECS

Super Infrastructure for Large-Scale Experimental Computer Science for Cloud/Edge/IoT

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Prototype and conduct reproducible experiments on all hardware and software elements of current and future digital environments at all levels of the Cloud IoT continuum.

Nathalie Mitton, Inria Research Director

Keyword : Cloud, Fog, IoT, open testbed, reproductibility, experimentation

Digital transformation relies on a sophisticated infrastructure of networks, computing and services. The availability, reliability, performance, interoperability and energy efficiency of these systems are major challenges that the digital sciences must meet to foster innovation, sovereignty and industrial competitiveness.

SILECS, the Cloud/Fog/Edge/IoT part of the SLICES-FR platform, enables prototyping and reproducible experiments at all levels of the Cloud IoT continuum. It meets the experimental needs of researchers in networks, systems, telecoms, IoT and other fields. The main objective of SILECS and SLICES-FR is to build a tool for experimentation that fosters the design of new services and applications in distributed computing, edge computing, reprogrammable wired or wireless networks and IoT, using a diversity of technologies on all aspects of the data chain, software or hardware, to meet the needs of the community.

— Missions

— Our researches

Infrastructure and services

Deployment of equipment and services in a first phase, followed by maintenance in a second phase

Animation and ownership of the platform

Setting up tools to enable the platform to be widely used by the scientific community


Ensures the long-term viability of the infrastructure in legal, scientific and political terms

— Partners


Inria, IMT, CNRS, Université de Lille, INSA de Lyon, Université de Strasbourg, Université de Grenoble Alpes, Sorbonne Université, Université de Toulouse, Nantes Université

— Research team

26 Permanent staff (not funded by the project)
6 project-funded engineers

Other projects

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